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The Color Pink
Part of the series "The Color Pink". White wall paint and artist’s blood on stainless steel, 150x150cm. 2023.
This open series investigates the complex and symbolic implications of the colour pink, presenting nuances of small variations of the colour through a mixture of white wall paint and the artist's own blood. The stainless steel surface used as a base makes it possible to minimise the thickness of the surface on which colour is applied (two millimetres), which appears as a continuation of the wall.
Questa serie aperta indaga i risvolti complessi e simbolici del colore rosa, presentandone sfumature di piccole varianti realizzate tramite una miscela di vernice bianca per pareti e il sangue dell’artista. La superfice di acciaio inossidabile usata come supporto consente di ridurre al minimo lo spessore sella superfice su cui è applicato colore (due millimetri), che si presenta come una continuazione della parete.
From "The Color Pink". White wall paint and artist’s blood on stainless steel, two examples and documentation. 2023.
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